MMA Myths Dispelled!


As with any sport, if you take the time to learn the correct technique and practice it correctly, MMA is as safe as many other contact sports, if not safer.

ai???Ai??The increased popularity and exposure of the sport to the masses over recent years has seen an improvement in training standards, resulting in safer and more professional environments in which to train and compete.

ai??? It’s mass appeal has seen aspects of it combined with and provide a basis for general fitness sessions at various gyms and clubs.

ai??? In comparison to the more mainstream acceptable sport of boxing, the majority of MMA fights actually take place on the ground in the form of grappling and wrestling.

ai???Ai??This means that, compared to boxing, where fighters can sustain continuous blows to the head and body for anything up to 15 rounds, MMA fighters only spend a fraction of that time trading head and body shots during the significantly shorter 3 – 5 round bouts.

ai??? Also contrary to popular belief, with over 30 definitions of foul play, MMA has a comprehensive list of rules and regulations. Check out the Rules and Regulations page of the Official UFC website to see a full breakdown of the rules enforced by the world’s most famous and respected MMA events promotion company.

ai??? In addition to rules, regulations and correct technique, making sure that you use good quality equipment is a must for ensuring your safety as well as comfort when training or competing.

ai??? From correctly weighted MMA Gloves with supportive wrist enclosures, to well padded Head Guards and Shin Guards, the right equipment could be the difference between sustaining or preventing a performance inhibiting injury.