Tag Archives: UFC 154 GSP vs Condit Review

UFC 154 GSP vs Condit Review

Georges St Pierre

Humble even in victory

“I gave it everything I had. I was fighting the number one guy”.
Georges St. Pierre, post UFC 154 fight interview.

Many questions were answered on the night

Following his win against Carlos Condit last night, it’s safe to say the Georges St. Pierre managed to answer the many questions surrounding his return to the octagon in impressive fashion.

More than ever, Hayabusa are proud to sponsor GSP, as he proved that it will take more than a career threatening injury to knock him off his stride!

It could have been all over in the 3rd

After what was possibly one of his toughest ever title defences, “Rush” overcame Condit’s all action striking game and survived a dangerous left kick that cracked him cleanly on the side of head in the third round. Although visibly shaken by the “Natural Born Killer’s” kick, stumbling back GSP was able soak up the swarm of blows that followed and get back to his feet, leaving Condit unable to capitalise on the opportunity.

An mma masterclass combined with desire and resilience

Fighting at an intensely high tempo, with his reflexes as sharp as ever, GSP aggressively pushed forward and applied constant pressure, however it wasn’t only his attacking performance that was worthy of high praise. When he got hurt, and he did get hurt, St. Pierre rarely faltered and showed the desire, mental and physical toughness to always come back on the offensive and keep Condit at bay.

A worthy opponent, simply outfought

The final score card may portray a slightly one sided picture of the fight, however this should not take away from Condit’s performance and the test that he put the reigning champ through. It’s an over used cliche to say how the loser of such a well contested fight showed great heart and fought with valour, but after a surviving a devastating cut from a GSP right elbow that sliced open his forehead, Condit continued to apply an aggressive striking game when other fighters would have been left more than reeling.

Overall though St. Pierre, was simply too good, fighting an almost perfect fight, he continually had all the answers to Condit’s questions and showed the intense hunger and will to win that has helped to propel him to the stratosphere of one of all time greats.

Silva next then?

Despite the rumours fuelling a potential superfight with Anderson Silva, the future for GSP in terms of his next fight is still not set in stone, one thing is for certain though… the champ is back!!

A Hayabusa clean sweep!

At Hayabusa UK & Europe, we’d also like to congratulate fellow Hayabusa Sponsored Fighters; Francis Carmont, Patrick Cote (we’ll take this despite the circumstances!), Ivan Menjivar, John Makdessi and Antonio Carvalho who came away with victories on the night.